Backing Boards Inc Camera Club Boards
Cream Core Backs: Our Cream core backing boards are made from the same material as our Cream Core Mounts. Cream core photo mount boards are made from virgin wood pulp, which has a characteristic Pale Ivory colour. Each board is pH neutral and meets the Fine Art Guilds approval for standard mount board.
Lightweight Backs: These are offered to reduce the weight of the finished product and as a cheaper alternative to our standard cream core backs. The Lightweight board is1mm cream core board rather than the standard 1.4mm. We only offer Pale Ivory board as a colour for these Backs.
White core Backs: Offered as a more substantial alternative to our Standard/Cream core backs. These backs are the same material as our White core mounts and will be provided specifically in Pale Ivory or Snow white unless otherwise stated.
Self-Adhesive backs: This is a 1.4mm cream core board offered for those who prefer to mount their work to the backing board. This board is a good alternative to spray mounting. This has a white finish.